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by Glenda Dickson on October 20th, 2018

Our Society proudly supports
the Official MacFarlane DNA Project at Family Tree DNA

This is a surname project for those who are descended from a person bearing the surname MacFarlane (or any of the varied spellings), or someone with a Sept surname, within ten generations. It is open to both males and females and you do not have to be a member of ours, or any other Society in order to participate. It currently has more than 900 members, making it the largest and oldest project for these surnames. If you click on the banner above, you will be taken to the main page for joining the Project and purchasing a DNA Kit.  You may also follow the link through to The “MacFarlane Group” Project Website to find out further details on the project, or read more below.

Aim of the Project

The aim of the project is to find out through DNA testing and comparison of results, our connection with one another. We hope to find out, among other things, whether all those bearing the surname MacFarlane or variant have a common ancestor and which associated Septs were originally MacFarlanes.

To assist with this you will need to provide information on your earliest known ancestor with the MacFarlane (or variant) or Sept surname in the form of a pedigree chart, family group sheets, or a GEDCOM file.

Males are tested using the Y-DNA which is passed down only from father to son. Females should try to find a male relative to do the Y-DNA test. Females can also do a mtDNA test and participate in a mtDNA project instead. Both male and females can also do the autosomal Family Finder test available at Family Tree DNA to discover recent relationships across all family lines.

Test Kit

The DNA test itself is a simple swab test from inside the cheek, done three times using the kit supplied. The samples are then posted back for laboratory testing.The Y-DNA results (Alleles) are in the form of a string of numbers, together with the predicted Haplogroup. They can be compared not only to others in the project database but also to the laboratory’s entire database.To read more about the project and see some of the test results visit the MacFarlane Project site.

For example, if you click on the tab “Y-DNA Results” you will note that the participants are only identified by their kit number and their most distant ancestor. The table shows the persons Haplogroup and the string of numbers which follows are the results of the individual Y-DNA marker tests.The results have already been grouped to show various lineages that have been identified.

Selecting a Test

The cost of testing depends on the number of markers tested, the more the better.  Testing starts at 12 markers, but the 37 marker test is considered to be the best starting point for genealogical purposes as the additional markers narrow down the predicted time period in which two individuals are related and eliminate unrelated matches. A perfect match at thirty-seven markers indicates the two individuals share common ancestry in recent times.It is also best to join the project first before placing an order, to avail yourself of any group discount and to be sure that you have selected the correct test.

Surnames included in the Project

Allan, Allanach, Allanson, Allison, Arrell, Arrol, Barclay (in Ulster), Bart, Bartholomew, Bartie, Bartson, Brice, Bryce, Caa, Callander, Caw, Condey, Condeyie, Condy, Cunnison, Galloway (in Stirling), Grassick (in Montrose), Grassie (in Aberdeen), Greusaich, Griesch (in Aberdeen), Gruamach, Kennson, Kinnieson, Kinnison, Knox, Leaper, Lechie, Lennox, MacAindra, MacAllan, MacAllen, MacAndrew, MacAndro (in Dunbarton), MacCaa, MacCause, MacCaw, MacCondey, MacCondeyie, MacCondy, MacEach, MacEachern, MacEoin, MacErrachar, MacErracher, MacFarlan, MacFarland, MacFarlane, MacFarquahar, Macferlant (in Poland), MacGaw, MacGeoch, MacGilchrist, MacGreusach, MacGreusich, MacInally, MacInnes, MacInnis, MacInstalker, MacIock, MacJames, MacJock, MacKindlay, MacKinlay, MacNair, MacNaiyer, MacNayer, MacNeur, MacNider, MacNiter, MacNoyer, MacNuyer, MacRobb, MacWalter, MacWilliam, McFarlan, McFarland, McFarlane, Michie, Millar, Miller (in Dunbarton), Monach, Monachock, Nacfaire (in France), Parlan, Robb, Smith (in Dunbarton), Spruell, Stalker, Thomason, Thomson, Weaver, Webster, Weir, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wylie, Wyllie.


Our New Zealand member and genealogy advisor, Andrew Macfarlane, is a Group Co-administrator of the Project and would be happy to answer any queries you may have.

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  1. Graham St John permalink

    Hi, my grandmother was called Ruby McFarlane although registered Bridget Ruby McFarlane at birth in Cootamundra NSW. I gather that it’s no use for me to do a DNA test as my relationship to the McFarlane line is not through a male. Is this correct?
    Graham St John

    • Glenda Dickson permalink

      Hi Graham, If you wish to follow the McFarlane line then you have two choices with regard to DNA testing. The first involves a YDNA test on candidate other than yourself. This needs to be someone who is a direct descendant of the McFarlane male line. You will need to do some research to find a living relative on another branch of the family. For example, did Ruby have a brother or an uncle? If not, go back another generation until you find a male that you can trace to a living male direct descendant. They will share the same YDNA which only travels along the male line. (Refer to ‘Up over and down’ by Judy Russell
      The second choice is to have the Family Finder autosomnal DNA test with FamilyTree DNA done on yourself (or the closest known relative to Ruby). This can help find relatives on any of your ancestral lines within the past five generations. As autosomnal DNA is a mixture of DNA from both parents, it will show matches on both the mother and the father’s side. Please join the MacFarlane Group at Family Tree DNA before undertaking a test, so that you can take advantage of a group discount. Cheers, Glenda Dickson, Secretary, Clan MacFarlane Society, Australia Inc.

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