MacFarlane’s Lantern No. 157 – July 2024 – Now available in Members’ Area
MacFarlane’s Lantern No. 157 – July 2024 is now available for download from the Members Area (and back issues). Please click on Membership Info in the main menu if you want to join.
A full list of what is in this issue can be viewed by clicking on page 1 (image on the left).
A summary follows:
- The image on the front page of Beinn Chaorach, Glen Luss and Edintaggart Farm is the prelude to the article on pages 7 & 13 – ‘Researching Old Scottish Place Names’ in which the Editor recalls the steps taken to find out more about the place recorded in Parish Banns as ‘Edintagaert, Luss’.
- The Editorial on page 2 has a decidedly Queensland flavour, including items about Longreach and a place called ‘MacFarlane’ near Tambo. We also welcome two new families from Queensland.
- Our President, Ron Marsh reports on the South Australian, Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan held at Kent Town (page 3). We have also included more feedback from the MacFarlane Bros. & Co. Hobart article.
- On pages 4-6, Peter McFarlane uses examples from his own family to illustrate the declining number of cousins Australians have and the value of these relationships.
- We also bring you the final part of Peter McFarlane’s article ‘Hunting for Ancestors through Burial Sites’ on pages 8-11, the subject being ‘Virtual Documentation of Ancestor Graves’.
- Also, our columns ‘Grannie Mac’ (page 6), ‘Clishmaclaver’ (page 12) and a list of Coming Events (pages 12-13)
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