Ringwood Highland Games, VIC – 29 March 2015
On Sunday, 29th March, 2015 the Ringwood Highland Games will be held at the East Ringwood Sports Ground, Corner Mt Dandenong Road and Dublin Road, East Ringwood, Victoria.
Gates open at 9am, the Grand Parade of the Clans will be at 1.20pm followed by the Official Opening at 1.30pm.
Activities include:
- Scottish Country Dancing
- Pipe Band Performances
- Highland Dancing Premiership
- Dog Flyball Competitions
- Light/Heavy Games
- Haggis Hurling / Welly Boot Throwing
- Historical Scottish Martial Arts
- Scottish Clan Tents
- Children Animal Farm
The games will end on a high note with a gathering of massed pipe bands at 4.30pm.
For further information please visit the website: www.ringwoodhighlandgames.org