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Scottish Country Dancing in Australia

by Glenda Dickson on February 16th, 2014

Scottish country dancing is a great way to get fit, make new friends and have some fun!

Scottish country dancing is very social, with groups of couples facing each other in lines or squares.  Some dances are more energetic than others. Quick-time jigs and reels  involve a light skipping step, where the dancers move through a series of figures or patterns, whilst the Strathspey is a slow reel which uses an elegant style of step. 

In Australia, Scottish country dance groups often perform at Highland gatherings or other Scottish events. Classes are usually held in school or church halls, but smaller groups might just get together at private homes to practice.   Visitors are welcome to all classes.

The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society  can put you in touch with groups around Australia that hold Scottish country dance classes.  For more information on the origins of Scottish country dancing as well as details of each group, its activities and how to make contact, visit their website 

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